Thursday 21 July 2016

Ana Maradun - Abu Ali

أنا مرض أنا الداء .. ومني تأتي أوجاع Ana Maradun.. Ana Ad-da'u...Wa Mini Ta'ti Awja'oo I am An Illness..I am a disease...And from me comes pain وليس لمُدمِني أبداً .. من الأخيار أتباع Wa Laysa Limudminee Abadan...Minal Akhyari Atba'oo And the one who is addicted to me has no righteous followers أتشري الموت يا هذا .. أتشريه إذا باعوا Atashree Al Mawt Ya Hadha..Atashreehy Idha Ba'oo Would you buy death, oh person...Would you buy it if it was sold [to you] أتشري الداء مُغتبطاً .. وعندك صِبية جاعوا Atashree Ad-da'a Mughtabitan..Wa Indaka Sibyatun Ja'oo Would you buy a disease ..Whilst you have children who are hungry صنوف الشر في قربي .. فلي باعٌ ولي صاع Sunoof Al Shary Fee Qurbee..Fa Lee Ba'un Wa Lee Saa'oo All kinds of evil are near me... وزوجُك تشتكي ريحاً .. لها في الخُبث أنواع Wa Zawjuka Tashkee Reehan...Laha Fee Al-Khubthi Anwa'oo And your wife complains of the smell...[the smell] which contains all types of filth وأمك تدعو مولاها .. فهل خانتك أسماع Wa Umuka Tad'u Mawlaha... Fahal Khanatka Asmaa'oo And your mother prays to her Lord... Do you not hear/Have your ears betrayed you أغرّك فيّا إعلان .. وتنميق وأسجاع Agharaka Feeya I'lan...Wa Tanmeeq Wa Asjaa'oo تعال لنكهتي هيّا .. فكم في نكهتي ضاعوا Ta'aal Li Nak-hatee Haya..Fakam Fee Nak-Hatee Daa'oo[/quote] Come and taste me come...For how many have went astray from the right path [because of my taste: I.e because of drinking

Source: A YouTube Comment, by User @qusaisaher

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