Thursday 21 July 2016

Munshid - Khaulan as-San'ani

المنشد - خولان الصنعاني رحمه الله
شوقي البعداني
ابو مهاجر

Khaulan as-San'ani was a commander and munshid (singer) for Ansar as-Sharia in Yemen. Also known as AQAP. He was martyred together with Sheikh Nabeel ad-Dhahab by an american drone strike in the area of Rida', where fighting was  taking place between al-Qaeda and the tribes loyal to it from one side  and the Husis from the other. The al-Hayat news website described this as ''two of the most dangerous al-Qaeda leaders in Yemen died''

His real name is Shawqi al-Ba'dani and he also published nasheeds under the name Abu Muhajir.

Oh my nation يا امتنا
Spring of Martyrs ربيع الشهداء

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