Thursday 11 August 2016

Bakat 'Ayni (My Eyes Wept) - English Translation

Title: Longing for the lands (of Jihad) شوق ديار
Interpret: Abu Mus'ab ابو مصعب        

بكت عيني فلوموا أو خذوني ...
إلى أرض االجهاد وودعوني
تذكرت الجهاد ففاض دمعي ...
وهيج مقلتي ذل الركونِ
أحب الغزو، بل أهوى رُباه ....
أحب دكادك الهيجا ، دعوني
أناجي النفس أسلبها هواها ..
أروضها على خوض المنون
فيا رب العباد أيا إلهي ...
أجرني أن أنال من المنون
على فرش معطرة ، ولكن ..
سألتك قتلة تحت الحصون
وإني موقن أن البرايا ....
ستسطر ما طلبت من الحنون
لحى الله القعود وسالكيه ....
وكل مخذّل نذل خؤون
و كل الحب في غير الإله ....
سراب ، قد يكون من المجون
فعذرا عـُذّلي عذرا فإني ...
محب للجهاد فأطلقوني

My eyes wept - the parting
Take me to the land of Jihad...
and then bid me farewell.
I remembered the Jihad...
so my tears overflowed,
And my eye awoke,
altough it was restrained by humiliation.
My eyes wept - the parting
Take me to the land of Jihad...
and then bid me farewell.
I remembered the Jihad...
so my tears overflowed,
And my eye awoke,
altough it was restrained by humiliation.
I love the battle, but its mountains have tumbled.
I love the places of comat; Desist from me.
I speak to my soul; deprive it of its desires
I train it upon penetrating death.
My eyes wept - the parting
Take me to the land of Jihad...
and then bid me farewell.
I remembered the Jihad...
so my tears overflowed,
And my eye awoke,
altough it was restrained by humiliation.
So O Lord of all slaves, my Lord...
Save me from meeting death,
While I am upon fragranced bedspreads,
I ask you to be killed beneath fortresses.
My eyes wept - the parting
Take me to the land of Jihad...
and then bid me farewell.
I remembered the Jihad...
so my tears overflowed,
And my eye awoke,
altough it was restrained by humiliation.
And I am certain that, the people
will write my request to be from madness
May Allah curse the abstention from Jihad,
and whoever takes to its path,
And also every disappointing, wretched betrayer.
My eyes wept - the parting
Take me to the land of Jihad...
and then bid me farewell.
I remembered the Jihad...
so my tears overflowed,
And my eye awoke,
altough it was restrained by humiliation.
For every love for other than Allah,
Is a mirage, indeed from madness.
So apologies and excuse me!
For I am one who loves jihad, so let me go.

Source: YouTube Video

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