Sunday 7 August 2016

Madin Kassayf, Sharip Like The Sword by Abu Ali - English Translation

Title: ماض كالسيف 'Sharp like the sword'
Munshid: Abu Ali ابو علي

ماضٍ كَالسيف كالريح كالموج غزارة
عادٍ كالخيل كالليث كالرعد شرارهـ
مقدام يطلب ثارهـ ** ويرى في الموت بشارة
نازلَ طاغوت الدنيا ** لا يملك غير حجارة
يقذفها كأبابيلٍ ** تخرق بالرعب جدارهـ

أنف الإذلال وقامَ ** ينسج بالعز فخارهـ
كطريد سئم دجاهـ ** ومضى يستجن نهارهـ
كالنجم الهائم يهوى ** في فلك المجد مدارهـ
لم يرضى الدنيا تارة ** كلا والبغيُ جدارهـ

ماضٍ كَالسيف كالريح كالموج غزارة
عادٍ كالخيل كالليث كالرعد شرارهـ
مقدام يطلب ثارهـ ** ويرى في الموت بشارة
نازلَ طاغوت الدنيا ** لا يملك غير حجارة
يقذفها كأبابيلٍ ** تخرق بالرعب جدارهـ

لبّى للعزة لما ** نادى الأقصى ثوارهـ
غنى للموت مشوقا ** ومضى يعزف قيثارهـ
نصب المحتل خداعه ** أغرى فيه سمسارهـ
صاغ الكلمات وعودا ** وشى بالمكر حوارهـ

ماضٍ كَالسيف كالريح كالموج غزارة
عادٍ كالخيل كالليث كالرعد شرارهـ
مقدام يطلب ثارهـ ** ويرى في الموت بشارة
نازلَ طاغوت الدنيا ** لا يملك غير حجارة
يقذفها كأبابيلٍ ** تخرق بالرعب جدارهـ

زرعوا مسراهـُ رعبًا ** ضربوا بالجوع حصارهـ
فتقدم لم يثنيه ** مكر يستدعي عثارهـ
هيهات يهادن حتى ** يمسح بالعزة عارهـ
بركان من إيمانٍ ** هذا التلمود سعارهـ

ماضٍ كَالسيف كالريح كالموج غزارة
عادٍ كالخيل كالليث كالرعد شرارهـ
مقدام يطلب ثارهـ ** ويرى في الموت بشارة
نازلَ طاغوت الدنيا ** لا يملك غير حجارة
يقذفها كأبابيلٍ ** تخرق بالرعب جدارهـ

فبنى بالخوف حصونه ** أعلى فيهم أسوارهـ
فتفجر فيهم غضبًا ** أنشب فيهم أظفارهـ
كشظايا النار تراهـُ ** مغوار يصنع غارهـ
ما خفَّ الخطوة حتى ** وقَع بالموت قرارهـ

ماضٍ كَالسيف كالريح كالموج غزارة
عادٍ كالخيل كالليث كالرعد شرارهـ
مقدام يطلب ثارهـ ** ويرى في الموت بشارة
نازلَ طاغوت الدنيا ** لا يملك غير حجارة
يقذفها كأبابيلٍ ** تخرق بالرعب جدارهـ


Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.
Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.

Bold, he seeks his upheaval and sees good tidings in death.
May the Taghut of the world that only rules stones vanish.
He discards them like Ababeel that tear through his wall with fright.

He has rejected humiliation and has arisen, weaving his pride with might.
Like a weary fugitive has his day concealed him and passed by in concealment.
Like the roaming star, his orbit falls on the path of glory.
He was once not satisfied with the world at all, and injustice is his oppressor.

Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the night, the thunder, sparkling.
Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.

Bold, he seeks his upheaval and sees good tidings in death.
May the Taghut of the world that only rules stones vanish.
He discards them like Ababeel that tear through his wall with fright.

He hearkened unto glory when Al-Aqsa summoned its revolutionaries.
He chanted, filled with longing for death, and proceeded to play his lute.
The occupier set up his trickery, and his broker was seduced by it.
He molded the words as promises, he embroidered his dialogue with deception.

Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.
Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.

Bold, he seeks his upheaval and sees good tidings in death.
May the Taghut of the world that only rules stones vanish.
He discards them like Ababeel tears through his wall with fright.

They cultivated his path in fright, they imposed his blockade with starvation.
So he advanced; cunning did not divert him, even as it summoned its false steps.
How preposterous! He makes a truce until he should wipe away his shame with might.
A volcano of faith; this Talmud is his frenzy.

Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.
Sharp like the sword, the wind, the wave in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the billows, sparkling.

Bold, he seeks his upheaval and sees good tidings in death.
May the Taghut of the world that only rules stones vanish.
He discards them like Ababeel that tear through his wall with fright.

So he [the occupier] built his strongholds in fear, he raised his walls in them.
So he [the mujahid] blew himself up among them in anger; he fixed his nails in them.
You see him as splinters of fire; a commando makes his raid.
He did not slow down his pace until he carried out his decision in death

Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.
Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.

Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.
Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.

Bold, he seeks his upheaval and sees good tidings in death.
May the Taghut of the world that only rules stones vanish.
He discards them like Ababeel that tear through his wall with fright.’

Source: Jihadology, translation by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi

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