Thursday 11 August 2016

Bakat 'Ayni (My Eyes Wept) - English Translation

Title: Longing for the lands (of Jihad) شوق ديار
Interpret: Abu Mus'ab ابو مصعب        

بكت عيني فلوموا أو خذوني ...
إلى أرض االجهاد وودعوني
تذكرت الجهاد ففاض دمعي ...
وهيج مقلتي ذل الركونِ
أحب الغزو، بل أهوى رُباه ....
أحب دكادك الهيجا ، دعوني
أناجي النفس أسلبها هواها ..
أروضها على خوض المنون
فيا رب العباد أيا إلهي ...
أجرني أن أنال من المنون
على فرش معطرة ، ولكن ..
سألتك قتلة تحت الحصون
وإني موقن أن البرايا ....
ستسطر ما طلبت من الحنون
لحى الله القعود وسالكيه ....
وكل مخذّل نذل خؤون
و كل الحب في غير الإله ....
سراب ، قد يكون من المجون
فعذرا عـُذّلي عذرا فإني ...
محب للجهاد فأطلقوني

My eyes wept - the parting
Take me to the land of Jihad...
and then bid me farewell.
I remembered the Jihad...
so my tears overflowed,
And my eye awoke,
altough it was restrained by humiliation.
My eyes wept - the parting
Take me to the land of Jihad...
and then bid me farewell.
I remembered the Jihad...
so my tears overflowed,
And my eye awoke,
altough it was restrained by humiliation.
I love the battle, but its mountains have tumbled.
I love the places of comat; Desist from me.
I speak to my soul; deprive it of its desires
I train it upon penetrating death.
My eyes wept - the parting
Take me to the land of Jihad...
and then bid me farewell.
I remembered the Jihad...
so my tears overflowed,
And my eye awoke,
altough it was restrained by humiliation.
So O Lord of all slaves, my Lord...
Save me from meeting death,
While I am upon fragranced bedspreads,
I ask you to be killed beneath fortresses.
My eyes wept - the parting
Take me to the land of Jihad...
and then bid me farewell.
I remembered the Jihad...
so my tears overflowed,
And my eye awoke,
altough it was restrained by humiliation.
And I am certain that, the people
will write my request to be from madness
May Allah curse the abstention from Jihad,
and whoever takes to its path,
And also every disappointing, wretched betrayer.
My eyes wept - the parting
Take me to the land of Jihad...
and then bid me farewell.
I remembered the Jihad...
so my tears overflowed,
And my eye awoke,
altough it was restrained by humiliation.
For every love for other than Allah,
Is a mirage, indeed from madness.
So apologies and excuse me!
For I am one who loves jihad, so let me go.

Source: YouTube Video

Sunday 7 August 2016

Madin Kassayf, Sharip Like The Sword by Abu Ali - English Translation

Title: ماض كالسيف 'Sharp like the sword'
Munshid: Abu Ali ابو علي

ماضٍ كَالسيف كالريح كالموج غزارة
عادٍ كالخيل كالليث كالرعد شرارهـ
مقدام يطلب ثارهـ ** ويرى في الموت بشارة
نازلَ طاغوت الدنيا ** لا يملك غير حجارة
يقذفها كأبابيلٍ ** تخرق بالرعب جدارهـ

أنف الإذلال وقامَ ** ينسج بالعز فخارهـ
كطريد سئم دجاهـ ** ومضى يستجن نهارهـ
كالنجم الهائم يهوى ** في فلك المجد مدارهـ
لم يرضى الدنيا تارة ** كلا والبغيُ جدارهـ

ماضٍ كَالسيف كالريح كالموج غزارة
عادٍ كالخيل كالليث كالرعد شرارهـ
مقدام يطلب ثارهـ ** ويرى في الموت بشارة
نازلَ طاغوت الدنيا ** لا يملك غير حجارة
يقذفها كأبابيلٍ ** تخرق بالرعب جدارهـ

لبّى للعزة لما ** نادى الأقصى ثوارهـ
غنى للموت مشوقا ** ومضى يعزف قيثارهـ
نصب المحتل خداعه ** أغرى فيه سمسارهـ
صاغ الكلمات وعودا ** وشى بالمكر حوارهـ

ماضٍ كَالسيف كالريح كالموج غزارة
عادٍ كالخيل كالليث كالرعد شرارهـ
مقدام يطلب ثارهـ ** ويرى في الموت بشارة
نازلَ طاغوت الدنيا ** لا يملك غير حجارة
يقذفها كأبابيلٍ ** تخرق بالرعب جدارهـ

زرعوا مسراهـُ رعبًا ** ضربوا بالجوع حصارهـ
فتقدم لم يثنيه ** مكر يستدعي عثارهـ
هيهات يهادن حتى ** يمسح بالعزة عارهـ
بركان من إيمانٍ ** هذا التلمود سعارهـ

ماضٍ كَالسيف كالريح كالموج غزارة
عادٍ كالخيل كالليث كالرعد شرارهـ
مقدام يطلب ثارهـ ** ويرى في الموت بشارة
نازلَ طاغوت الدنيا ** لا يملك غير حجارة
يقذفها كأبابيلٍ ** تخرق بالرعب جدارهـ

فبنى بالخوف حصونه ** أعلى فيهم أسوارهـ
فتفجر فيهم غضبًا ** أنشب فيهم أظفارهـ
كشظايا النار تراهـُ ** مغوار يصنع غارهـ
ما خفَّ الخطوة حتى ** وقَع بالموت قرارهـ

ماضٍ كَالسيف كالريح كالموج غزارة
عادٍ كالخيل كالليث كالرعد شرارهـ
مقدام يطلب ثارهـ ** ويرى في الموت بشارة
نازلَ طاغوت الدنيا ** لا يملك غير حجارة
يقذفها كأبابيلٍ ** تخرق بالرعب جدارهـ


Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.
Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.

Bold, he seeks his upheaval and sees good tidings in death.
May the Taghut of the world that only rules stones vanish.
He discards them like Ababeel that tear through his wall with fright.

He has rejected humiliation and has arisen, weaving his pride with might.
Like a weary fugitive has his day concealed him and passed by in concealment.
Like the roaming star, his orbit falls on the path of glory.
He was once not satisfied with the world at all, and injustice is his oppressor.

Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the night, the thunder, sparkling.
Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.

Bold, he seeks his upheaval and sees good tidings in death.
May the Taghut of the world that only rules stones vanish.
He discards them like Ababeel that tear through his wall with fright.

He hearkened unto glory when Al-Aqsa summoned its revolutionaries.
He chanted, filled with longing for death, and proceeded to play his lute.
The occupier set up his trickery, and his broker was seduced by it.
He molded the words as promises, he embroidered his dialogue with deception.

Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.
Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.

Bold, he seeks his upheaval and sees good tidings in death.
May the Taghut of the world that only rules stones vanish.
He discards them like Ababeel tears through his wall with fright.

They cultivated his path in fright, they imposed his blockade with starvation.
So he advanced; cunning did not divert him, even as it summoned its false steps.
How preposterous! He makes a truce until he should wipe away his shame with might.
A volcano of faith; this Talmud is his frenzy.

Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.
Sharp like the sword, the wind, the wave in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the billows, sparkling.

Bold, he seeks his upheaval and sees good tidings in death.
May the Taghut of the world that only rules stones vanish.
He discards them like Ababeel that tear through his wall with fright.

So he [the occupier] built his strongholds in fear, he raised his walls in them.
So he [the mujahid] blew himself up among them in anger; he fixed his nails in them.
You see him as splinters of fire; a commando makes his raid.
He did not slow down his pace until he carried out his decision in death

Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.
Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.

Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.
Sharp like the sword, the wind, the billows in abundance.
Strong like the horse, the lion, the thunder, sparkling.

Bold, he seeks his upheaval and sees good tidings in death.
May the Taghut of the world that only rules stones vanish.
He discards them like Ababeel that tear through his wall with fright.’

Source: Jihadology, translation by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Hebbit Kerrih (Rüzgar gibi Esti) - Türkçe Tercüme

هَبَّت كَالرّيح - الترجمة التركية

Munşid: Ebu Ali
Tercüme: Unknown

هبت الريح كالريح كالريح قوية
شبت كالنار كالنار كالنار وضية
صارت بالعزم فتية
طارت كالصقر ابية
اهلا اهلا قافلتى
يا قافلتى المهنية

Şiddetli rüzgar gibi esti!
Parlayan bir alev gibi yükseldi!
Sebatıyla, bir delikanlı gibi oldu!
Asil bir şahin gibi süzüldü!
Hoş geldin, ey kafilem!
Bilgeler kafilem.

هيا جيل المستقبل
نسعى و نجد و نعمل
نرقى دوما للافضل
دون العليا لا نقبل
اهلا اهلا اهلا قافلتى
اهلا اهلا اهلا قافلتى
اهلا اهلا اهلا قافلتى
يا قافلتى المهنية

Ey gelecek nesil, haydi!
Çalışalım, Çözüm bulalım ve işe koyulalım!
Daima zirveye yükselelim!
Ve “en yüce”den aşağısını kabul etmeyelim!

سيروا يا صحبى حتى
نتعلم مهنا شتى
نتقن خمسا او ستا
و نعول اخا او اختا
اهلا اهلا اهلا قافلتى
اهلا اهلا اهلا قافلتى
اهلا اهلا اهلا قافلتى
يا قافلتى المهنية

Ey dostlarım, haydi harekete geçelim, ta ki:
Bilginin çeşitli alanlarını öğrenelim,
Beş ya da altıda mükemmelleşelim!
(Pek çok konuda kendimizi yetiştirelim)
Ve bir biraderimize yahut bacımıza yardım edelim.

خلوا كسلا او نوما
ما فاز كسول يوما
و دعوا نقدا او لوما
فالله معين قوما
احيوا امجاد الامة
لما كانت فى القمة
و ازيلوا هذى الغمة
عنها بعلو همه

Tembellik ve uyuklamayı terk edin!
Tembel kişi hiç başarılı olamadı!
Ve eleştirip suçlamayı bırakın,
Madem ki Allah(c.c.) insanların yardımcısıdır..
Ümmetin şanını yeniden canlandırın,
Zirvede olduğu zamanlardaki gibi..
Ve bu gamları ondan kaldırın!
Ulvî gayretinizle!

Thursday 21 July 2016

Munshid - Khaulan as-San'ani

المنشد - خولان الصنعاني رحمه الله
شوقي البعداني
ابو مهاجر

Khaulan as-San'ani was a commander and munshid (singer) for Ansar as-Sharia in Yemen. Also known as AQAP. He was martyred together with Sheikh Nabeel ad-Dhahab by an american drone strike in the area of Rida', where fighting was  taking place between al-Qaeda and the tribes loyal to it from one side  and the Husis from the other. The al-Hayat news website described this as ''two of the most dangerous al-Qaeda leaders in Yemen died''

His real name is Shawqi al-Ba'dani and he also published nasheeds under the name Abu Muhajir.

Oh my nation يا امتنا
Spring of Martyrs ربيع الشهداء

Munshid - Abu Bakr al-Hadrami

المنشد - ابو بكر الحضرمي

Aroos al-Harb عروس الحرب
Awwa ala's Sahr عود علي السهر
Farisu'l 'Ilam فارس الإعلام
Nadheeru's Sharr نذير الشر
Taqaddam (Advance) تقدم
Udhran li-Qaumi (Sorry For My Nation) عذرا لقومي
Ukafkifu Admu'il Harra اكفكف ادمعي
Usbatun Fillah عصبة في الله
Ya Laimi يا لائمي
Ya Jumu'as Shababi يا جموع الشباب

Müjdeler Sana Ey Şehid Annesi!

بشراك يا ام الشهيد  انشودة مع ترجمتها الي اللغة التركية

بشراك يا أم الشهي
بشرى منالله المجيد
ليس الشهيد بميت
بل عند رزاق العبيد
هو في الرياض الوافرات
المثمرات الباسقات
يقتات من لبأ البشائر
يا لطيب البشريات
ظل ونسناس وماء
رغد ولين واحتفاء
جنة عدن حاكها
رب الجنان كما يشاء
بين الملائك يرفل
من فيض ربي ينهل
اصحابه رسل الهداية
والرعيل الاول
من كان هذا حاله
ومناله ومآله
فله التهاني كلما
زار الخيال خياله

قولي اذا جن الظلام
وقف الخلي من الانام

رباه دمر من بغي
وجعل بني الي السلام

Müjdeler Sana Ey Şehid Annesi!  
Mecîd Olan Allahdan Müjdeler!    
Şehid ölü değildir!
Bilakis kulların rızıklarını verenin katındadır

O, verimli, bereketli, bol meyveli bahçelerdedir

Müjdelerin özünden koparıyor
Ne hoş müjdeler...

Gölge, Serinlik, Su ve arzuladığınız her şey
Ferahlık, bolluk, kuşlar ve eğlence

Adn Cenneti...
Cennetlerin Rabbi onu dilediği gibi anlatmıştır. 

Melekler arasında ihtişamlı geziniyor,
Rabbimin feyzinden doyana kadar alıyor

Onun arkadaşları hidayet Rasulleridir,
ve önde gelen nesiller.

Kimin hali böyleyse,                      
eriştiği makam ve sonu,
Onu kutlarım,
hayalimin onun hayalleriyle buluştuğu her sefer.

Karanlık çoğaldığında
Rabbim zalimleri mahvet,  
ve oğlumu Selâma (Cennete) sok.

Hamhamatul Jiyadi - Abu Hajar al-Hadrami

على نغمات حمحمة الجيادِ .. و قرع سيوفنا البِيضِ الحِدادِ
With the sound of neighing horses and the percussion of our white sharp swords.

سنمضِ نفرضْ الإسلامَ دينا .. و نمحوا الشركِ من كل النوادى
We will proceed, establishing Islam as the religion.
And wipe out Polytheism from every country.

لنا ماضٍ به كنّا ملوكًا .. على الدنيا سلوا السحب الغوادى
It is our past, with which we were rulers on earth
ask the clouds.

لنا ماضٍ سنرجعه عزمنا .. سنرجعه و ان كره الأعاد
It's our past and we will bring it back, as we decided.
We will bring it back even if the enemies dislike it.

حنايانا تحن الى ذورانا .. ذورا الامجاد ساحات الجهاد
Our bows lean towards our peaks.
And the peaks of glory are the fields of Jihad.

وأنفسنا تتوق إلى ربانا .. روابينا ميادين الجلاد
And ourselves yearn for our country, and our countries are the fields of seeking death.

بنا يا قادات الجبهات سيروا .. نمد لكم مشايخنا الأيادي
With us, O' commanders of the fronts, move on!
We hold out hands to you, our leaders.

نعاهدكم علي خوض المنايا .. وردع الكافرين أولي العنادي
We promise you upon rushing into death, and deterring the stubborn disbelievers.

لنا في ساحات الأفغان شعب .. يلبي كلما نادي المنادي
We have in the lands of Afghan a nation, which answers the caller every time he calls.

لنا في مغرب الإسلام قوم .. كرام ثابتون علي المبادي
In the Islamic West (Africa) we have dignified people, firm upon the principles

لنا في تونس الخضراء جيل .. سيحي عهد طارق بن زياد
In green Tunisia we have a generation, which will revive the times of Tariq Ibn Ziyad.

وفي الصومال فرسان وأسد .. كماة قابضون علي الزناد
And in Somalia knights and lions, braves taking hold of the weapons

ألسنا المرهبون إذا هجمنا .. سلوا عنا الرصافة والرمادي
Aren't we the terrorizers when we attack?
Ask Rusafa and Ramadi about us.

عراق المجد جئناها فقامت .. تحينا الحواضر والبوادي
Iraq of Glory, we came to her so the cities and deserts rose commemorating us.

بلاد الشام فيها خير جند .. أحبتنا المصابيح الهوادي
The lands of Sham, there is the best of armies.
Our beloved guiding candles.

نحيي في ربي الأقصي رجالاً .. بحكم الله ما برحت تنادي
We celebrate the men in the district of al-Aqsa,
with the laws of Allah still calling.

بني التوحيد في سيناء هبوا .. مضوا يعلون أعلام الرشاد
The sons of Tauhid in Sinai set out, proceeding and rising the banners of integrity.

هي القوقاز دار العز أنعم .. بفتيتها الصناديد الشدادي
It is the Caucasus, the land of honor, blessed with it's strong, courageous youths

علي أرض الجزيرة قد بدأنا .. وفي الأقصى اللقاء بشري العباد
On the Arabian Peninsula we started, and in al-Aqsa is our meeting, glad tidings for the mankind!

فلسطين الحبيبة لا تقولي .. نسينا العهد كلا يا فؤادي
My beloved Palestine, don't say that we forgot our oath, no my dear!

على الأبواب نحن ترقبينا .. فإن النصر في الآفاق بادي
We are at the doors, await us! For the victory is visible on the horizons!


كلام الشيخ اسامة بن لادن
Words of Sheikh Osama bin Laden
(may Allah be merciful to him)

والله لننصرنّكم ولو حبواً على الرّكَب ،
أو نذوق ما ذاق حمزة بن عبدالمطلب رضي الله عنه
By Allah, we will support you even
if he have
to crawl on knees, or we will taste the same as
Hamza Ibn Abdulmuttalib -may Allah be pleased with him-.